
Transactional Analysis, or TA is a fantastic, well established toolkit for understanding self and others which can lead into counselling, training, psychotherapy, coaching and more. Some basic skills in TA are great for anybody who works with people in fact.

You can book here on my website, or on Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/ta101-understanding-yourself-and-your-story-and-much-more-tickets-797736560527

I will be running an introductory training called TA101 in the beautiful seaside town of Aberystwyth at the University on 3rd and 4th May 2024, 10am on the Friday to 4.30pm on the Saturday. There is LOADS of content in the TA101 for anybody who works with people, would like to, or would just like to understand themselves a bit better.

I aim to provide inclusive courses which welcome diverse cultures, language, ability and neurodivergence. Early bird till 31/01. Book through this website, www.ceredigioncounselling.com, or on Eventbrite.

8 Gifts of TA, number 7

Living the life I always wanted. Autonomy means doing what is right for you, not what has been expected or demanded from you for as long as you can remember. It is permission and freedom to live the life YOU want- to live from your Heart. It is a central value in TA.

For more information, text 07979 654124.